About me

My name is Author Legend , I started writing at an early age for a hobby. 

My name is Author Legend , I started writing at an early age for a hobby. I honestly didn't know I was able to write full books or ebooks until 5 years ago. I have an open mind and broad imagination, but I write with substance and purpose. I honestly feel as though , I am a advocate for inspiration. I had many traumas due to every area of my life , and wanted to inspire other individuals that they can and will achieve their goals. Also , to acknowledge their own self awareness of different emotions as well. We as people can teach each other and that's my motivation. I write books and Ebooks for educational and motivational purposes. I write to inspire and for everyone to learn and understand cognitive thinking. Solutions to problem solving is very essential to our everyday lives. I wanted to share that you are not alone on your journey.

author legend

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